Jules Gavin
Yoga Instructor
Jules discovered yoga nearly 14 years ago at just the right time in her life. Not only during a time when she needed it most, but when she was finally open and ready to explore the many benefits of the practice. As yoga began to transform her life, she wanted to share with others the power of yoga so decided to do her teacher training. 'If I can do what yoga has for me to one other person, my job is done'! She hopes to help others develop body and mind awareness and a balance between flexibility and strength, as well as exercises effective for reducing stress, anxiety and depression and improving brain function and mental health and connecting with their most honest self.
Julie's personal preference is a high energy yang type of yoga practice, hence her passion for the Absolute Hot Sequence. She also loves an energetic Vinyasa Flow style class and loves a good arm balance or inversion challenge. She admits to still finding them both a challenge.
Her practice to date was predominantly Bikram until she found the Absolute Series and Vinyasa in the most recent years.