A note from Colm.
I'm Colm Walsh, the owner of Yoga Dublin.
This is my 24th year running yoga and pilates classes in Dublin. It was a very positive 2023 and re- emergence for Yoga Dublin, albeit challenging in places for all of us, with the costs of living and running businesses a reality that won't go away.
Yoga Dublin is now Dublin's longest running studio, we are proud of that, and our legacy of thousands of quality classes taught over the past 20 years.
2024 looks even better with more quality teaching, workshops, retreats and trainings have emerging and shall only grow. Watch this space.
We have just relaunched our Rathmines Hot Yoga studio with a makeover for the next journey....and we are delighted to announce a late-2024 opening of Yoga Dublin - HX in Harold's Cross, Dublin 6W.....
Beannachtaí na Shamhna!